Blue topaz has an illustrious history as one of the most highly prized and popular gems in the world. However, there are many different shades of blue topaz, and each color has its own significance to those who admire this beautiful stone. To learn more about what each shade symbolizes, keep reading.
Blue Topaz – Meaning and Symbolism
Traditionally, when it comes to symbolism, blue topaz has been said to represent clarity and a connection to Mother Earth. The clear blue color of these stones is what symbolizes clarity. As for being connected to Mother Earth, it’s believed that wearing or having pieces of jewelry with a stone like Topaz can help ground you and provide you with stability as well as peace-of-mind. In fact, many people also believe that wearing or having Topaz in your life helps improve your decision making capabilities too! Think about it: When you have calmness within yourself – especially if you’re able to tap into your intuition – then you’re able to make clearer decisions (even if they are decisions that don’t have an immediate payoff).
Blue Topaz is a Clear, Sparkling Stone
Topaz is an adaptable, clear crystal that enhances creativity and clarity. Many people associate it with warmth (it has a yellow/orangey glow) but blue topaz brings a clean, cool feeling to its wearer. Blue topaz is often used in jewelry to bring tranquility and new beginnings. It’s also very hard – it will last forever! So don’t worry if you drop your ring or bang up your bracelet; it will stand up to daily wear and tear without losing any of its color or shine. If you want something lovely that will be around for generations, get a piece of jewelry made with blue topaz!
The Five Most Popular Blue Topaz Stones
The most popular kinds of blue topaz stones include London Blue Topaz, Ceylon Blue Topaz, Swiss Blue Topaz, Siberian Blue Topaz and Madagascar Blue Topaz. The most popular variety is London Blue Topaz which is a naturally occurring stone with a blue color. Next up is Ceylon (sometimes spelled Ceylonese) which is similar to London but in addition to having a dark grayish-blue tint has darker flecks of color that run through it. Swiss Blue is different from the previous two because it’s created artificially by coating a white or colored stone with a blue dye.
Properties of Blue Topaz Gemstone
Blue Topaz is a 7.5-8 on Mohs Scale of Hardness, making it less brittle than both quartz and sapphire. Because of its hardness, Blue Topaz is an ideal stone for everyday wear as well as being heat treated to increase durability when set in jewelry. Blue Topaz is a very durable stone and, unlike many stones that can be sensitive to some chemicals, it is resistant to tarnishing and discoloration. If you’re wearing Blue Topaz regularly or keeping it in your home over time, regular cleaning will help prevent buildup and keep your jewelry looking great!
This gorgeous stone can be found in shades from light to dark blue and even green, brown and violet. It is a variety of Corundum, which comes from aluminum oxide. The best quality stones are found in Brazil, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. The gems are very hard (8 on Mohs hardness scale) but they can easily be scratched by harder gemstones like quartz or diamonds, so care should be taken when wearing them.
It is also possible to crack them if they are dropped on a hard surface like concrete. Blue Topaz is related to Yellow Topaz and both come from many of the same locations around the world. It is sometimes incorrectly called Imperial Topaz since it was used as a substitute for Imperial Topaz when that material was unavailable during World War II. However, there is no relation between these two ruby gemstone. These lovely gemstones are often used in jewelry because of their strong color and durability. They make great earrings because they dangle well from hoops or wires without needing much support. They can also be set into rings and pendants because their small size makes them easy to work with..
How to Clean Blue Topaz Jewelry
Blue topaz jewelry is a real treat to own, but it can be at risk of getting damaged. Fortunately, you can learn how to clean blue topaz with these simple steps. Place your blue topaz jewelry on a towel that’s been washed and dried (otherwise it could become soiled as well). Mix together 1/4 cup ammonia and 1/4 cup water. Soak a cotton ball in your cleaning solution. Wipe down your blue topaz jewelry with a soft cloth dipped in your cleaning solution, being careful not to let any water drip onto your ring or bracelet. When finished, wipe down your jewelry with a dry cloth before you wear it again; you don’t want any moisture trapped inside! It’s also a good idea to store your blue topaz jewelry in an airtight container if you aren’t wearing it. This will keep it from becoming tarnished over time.