Once you have a solid understanding of CSS Syntax and what it can do, the next step is understanding the syntax of CSS and the few ways it can be applied to your documents.
CSS syntax comprises of three elements.
Selector: The selector is the element within your HTML document you want to style. For instance, if you have placed a paragraph tag within your HTML, your selector would be “p” – the standard paragraph tag in CSS. If you wanted to apply styles to the entire body of your website, you would use “body” as the selector. At a later time, you’ll learn how to create your own selectors using the “class” and “id” tags.
Property: Properties are those elements that can be applied to a particular selector. Lets take the paragraph from the above example. A few properties you could use to style that selector include font-family, font-size, color and a few others.
Value: The value is the shape, size, dimension, etc. applied to a particular property. For instance, you would apply a value of 20px to the property above if you wanted your paragraph copy to display at 20px.
p {}
Selector + Property:
p {font-size:}
Selector + Property + Value
p {font-size: 20px;}
Now, lets get into the application of CSS. There are three ways you can apply styles to your document.
Inline Styles
Inline styles simply mean you are placing the style for a particular element within the tag itself. For instance, if you wanted to color the text color of a paragraph blue, you would apply ” blue;” within your paragraph tag.
This method is okay, but not recommended. If you had a website 100 pages deep and each page used inline styles, when a change needs to be made, you would have to change all 100 pages independently.
Internal Styles
Internal styles mean including your styles within the HTML document itself. At the beginning of your HTML document, there are head tags. Your styles would be placed between these tags for reference. You might use this method if you had a single page website.
External Styles
Using external styles are the most effective way of using CSS. Your styles are held in an outside document that all HTML files connect to. This makes making global changes a breeze. Say you wanted to change the color of links on your 100 page website. Instead of changing each page independently, you could change the style within the external document and there you have it. All pages would be changed – because they are all linked to the same style sheet.
Hypertext pre-processor
In regard to web development languages, there are several to choose from. The most widely used is PHP, which stands for hypertext pre-processor although it did originally stand for Personal Home Page when it was originally created. Social Media sites such as Facebook and Yahoo are built using PHP to give a few examples.
The second most widely used is ASP.NET which stands for Active Server Page and was created and supported by Microsoft. Now in its fourth iteration, this web platform is fully extensible and a very mature competitor to PHP in the web development industry.
The main difference between the two languages is the fact that PHP is compile on page load, so every time a user visits a page on a site, the PHP code is compile server side and the results send to the client. With ASP.NET, the source code is compile prior to deployment, meaning that the framework itself has a significantly low overhead on the server in terms of page loading speeds.
As the page is , the server simply loads the compiled file and sends it to the client. This means that on paper, the ASP.NET framework is faster than PHP. Although it must be note that PHP has some very clever caching mechanisms now available. Which minimises this performance issue considerably.
A developer who utilises both of the above languages should be hard press to tell you. What one language can do that the other could not. Choice generally depends on developer preference and provided they are a capable programmer. They will be able to produce identical systems on either platform using either language.
Web engineering projects
Web engineering projects are manage from start to finish in a logical manner. Ensuring that the solution is develope on time. And most importantly on budget utilising developers with decades of experience all backed up with a no quibble guarantee. That you will get a fully functional web application exactly to your specification.
Easy to use language
ASP dot net provides ASP Help, ASP Code, ASP web development, ASP Tutorials, and all web programming solutions. It helps the web developer to build an effective and dynamic website. Most of the website developers prefer this language, because it is easy to use.
Facilitates large application development
This is easy to write a page. It facilitates you to develop the large applications. It offers HTML and source code in combinations. This language truly served, net development world. ASP. Net is the best technology on server side in which, code is used, before sending to a browser from executing on the server. The code that is sent to a browser is HTML not ASP dot net. This language truly served the Internet development world since 2002.