The Different Types Of Resistance Bands:
Training With Elastic Bands To Achieve Your Goal:
The Best Exercise With Elastic Band:
Resistance bands or elastic bands are certainly the cheapest fitness accessory but also one of the most effective. Whether you are a beginner or already more experienced, exercises with resistance bands will put your muscles to the test considerably.
You can use these resistance bands during exercises targeting any part of the body without overworking your joints. And while regular strength exercises typically focus on large muscle groups, resistance band exercises are great for engaging smaller muscles that also play a stabilizing role.
The Different Types Of Resistance Bands:
Resistance bands can come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and resistance levels. Here is a small overview of the main categories…
Shape and size of elastic bands:
Elastic bands in closed loops: can be shorter and thinner, also called mini bands or longer and thicker.
Unclosed elastic bands: available with or without handles
Colors and resistance levels:
Long Resistance bands are color coded by resistance level but not standard across all brands.
The long resistance of the bands varies from very weak to very strong: the small and thin elastic bands offer a resistance ranging from 1 to 10 kg, while the thicker and longer bands offer a resistance ranging from 5 to 90 kg .
Training With Elastic Band To Achieve Your Goal:
These elastic band or resistance band exercises can be incorporated into your workout in two ways:
You can combine them to create a complete strength training workout for the whole body or to target a specific muscle group by choosing 3-5 exercises. Perform between 8 to 25 repetitions of each over 2 to 5 sets. The number of reps and sets will depend on your fitness level and the resistance of the resistance band.
Or use them as a warm-up, especially to activate a specific muscle group. For example, if you have trouble feeling your glute muscles activate, perform 2 sets of Fire Hydrants and Side Squats before your next leg workout. Do as many reps as you need to feel your butt muscles without overexerting yourself – you’re just warming up!
The Best Exercise With Elastic Band:
Wall Lateral Pulldown:
Targeted muscles: latissimus, upper back
How to perform the exercise:
Stand with your back against the wall. Place the long resistance band around your thumbs or wrists and extend your arms overhead. Now pull your arms down, elbows out to the side bent at a 90 degree angle while stretching the elastic band and bringing your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position.
Triceps Extension:
Targeted muscles: triceps
How to perform the exercise:
Hold the elastic band in your hands with your elbows bent. Place your right elbow above your head with your forearm parallel to the floor. Your left hand should be in front of the left shoulder. Now stretch your right arm above your head so that the band is taut and the muscles in your upper right arm are working. Finally return to the starting position.
Want to burn your triceps? Then try these bodyweight exercises for triceps of steel.
Bicep Curl:
Targeted muscles: biceps
How to perform the exercise:
Sit on a chair or on your heels. Tuck the long resistance band under your right knee and hold it with your right hand. Bring your hand towards your right shoulder to stretch the band. When you pull the band, your upper arm should not move, your elbow should be below your shoulder and close to the body. Release the tension and return to the starting position. Do all the repetitions on one side, then on the other.
Shoulder External Rotation:
Targeted muscles: shoulders, upper back
How to perform the exercise:
Place a mini band around your wrists. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body. Move your forearms to the side to stretch the band (upper arm should not move) while rotating the palms of your hands so that they are facing up when the band is on. tense. Return to the starting position.
Fire Hydrant:
Targeted muscles: glutes, hamstrings
How to perform the exercise:
Start on all fours. Place the long resistance band around your knees (a little above). Your neck, back and hips should form a straight line. Lift your left leg to stretch the elastic band. The rest of your body should stay still (don’t swing to the side). Do all reps on one side, then the other.