There are many types of gum disease, but your dentist will most likely use the common term “gum disease” or “periodontal disease.” Gum disease is caused by certain bacteria and plaque that are present in every person’s mouth. Gum disease occurs when there is an imbalance of these bacteria and they grow out of control, damaging the gums and causing the gums to pull away from the teeth. This process can be reversed with treatment, which will be carried out by your dentist on a regular basis.
What is gum disease?
Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums, usually caused by a bacterial infection. If left untreated, it can become a more serious infection known as periodontitis. Gum disease usually affects the tissues around the teeth and the alveolar bone which supports the teeth. This disease attacks slowly, so symptoms are not experienced immediately. Gum tissue gradually loosens, thickens, and grows over the teeth until it interferes with speaking and eating.
Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) is a collective term that is actually two different mouth conditions. The mild form of this disease is commonly known as gingivitis, and the more severe form is called periodontitis.
What causes gum disease?
You tend to brush your teeth a few times every week. But do you know that even if you have proper oral hygiene, then still you can be at an increased risk of developing gum disease? This disease is one of the most common problems related to your dental health. It can trigger serious pain, infection, and even tooth loss. This multi-part article will give you pertinent information on symptoms, prevention methods, and treatments for this disease.
Gum disease is caused when your gums pull away from the teeth and trap plaque between them. This disease is also known as periodontal disease. Even though there’s a good chance you already have it, many don’t know they have this disease because they don’t experience any symptoms.
Gingivitis is the mildest form of this disease. Along with plaque growing below the gum line, swollen and red gums are also a sign of gingivitis. These symptoms could develop into more severe forms of this disease, such as periodontitis.
What are the symptoms of gum disease?
Have you ever been told that you have this disease? Many people aren’t aware that they have this disease. It’s possible to have gingivitis without any symptoms. However, some of the following can be signs that you may have this disease:
- Symptoms of red, painful, or swollen gums
- bleeding gums during tooth brushing or flossing
- gums that are no longer attached to your teeth
- loose teeth
- a modification in the way your teeth bite together
- pus between the gums and teeth
- pain when chewing
- sensitive teeth
- no longer fitting partial dentures
What happens if I don’t treat my gum disease?
This disease is really what you don’t want. Unfortunately, there are many consequences to not treating it. Tooth loss, facial deformity, and even heart and lung problems are the results of long-term periodontal disease – the systematic destruction and eventual loss of the supporting tissues around the teeth that can happen when inflammation extends into surrounding tissues and bones.
Gum disease symptoms will often show up before you even know there’s a problem. Gum pain, bleeding gums, and chronic bad breath are among the warning signs that something is wrong. If left untreated this disease can lead to serious health problems. So if you want to learn the causes of this disease, how you know if you have it, and what to do about it, then keep reading…
Are there treatments for this disease?
This disease can be scary. It is something that has a lot of negative connotations. But, it is not all doom and gloom. At Dental Veda clinic in Gurgaon, we help our patients achieve brighter smiles without the pain and hassle of traditional orthodontics.
Have you ever wondered what this disease is, how bad it is, and what you can do about it? Gum disease is caused by plaque which is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. The plaque sticks to your teeth because of sugary food or drinks. Bacteria then stick to the plaque and multiply quickly if you don’t clean your teeth.
Caring at Home for Your Gums
Did you know that this disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in North America? That’s scary considering lots of people are misinformed about how to prevent it or what gum disease is. There are many treatments available, but few people realize they can actually do much of the work at home. In this article, learn what you can do to improve the overall health of your gums today and in the future.
It’s no secret that gum disease (also called periodontal disease) is dangerous to overall health and wellness. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria in the mouth. But this disease isn’t just painful or annoying, it can be effectively treated. Using the information below, you can manage your gum disease while focusing on preventative care.
How do I prevent, or avoid having more gum disease?
You may not think about the periodontal disease often, but it can progress to the point where specialists say your teeth could become loose, or even fall out. Periodontal disease is caused by a build-up of plaque. Plaque is made up of bacteria and food particles that stick to the sides of your teeth and below the gum line. The best way to avoid periodontal disease is by performing regular preventative care on your teeth including flossing, brushing, and visits to your dentist.
Gum disease is bad news. Literally. Bad, periodontal disease can lead to other, more serious medical problems such as heart attacks and strokes. If you’ve got it you need to know how to treat it and if you’re in the danger zone, what to do about it.
Early Stages of Gum Disease can be treated
Many adults in America believe they have no chance of avoiding Gum Disease, one of the most common and widespread oral health problems. This idea is not baseless at all. It was widely believed until recently that only adults who already showed symptoms of periodontal Disease had any chance of fixing the problem. Experts now know, however, that Gum Disease is not an issue to be overlooked. Gum Disease can be treated before it becomes a serious problem.
Gum disease can be painful, embarrassing, and simply downright destructive. But it isn’t something you should tolerate or just accept. This disease has many different forms, but they all start the same way: inflammation. This early stage of this disease is reversible – but only if it’s caught early enough. Most people don’t know that there are over 400 symptoms, which can lead to even more problems. Here I’ll break down this disease for you and tell you how to prevent some of your own symptoms – and what to do if you think that you’re already experiencing at least the beginning stages of this disease.
Gum Disease can be dangerous to your health and should be taken seriously
This disease is a nasty affliction that can wreak havoc on your smile. And with millions of people suffering from it, you may be wondering what exactly the periodontal disease is. Periodontal disease, more commonly referred to as a periodontal disease, can be dangerous to your health, and even lead to conditions such as stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. The earlier you take steps to prevent this disease and realize its symptoms, the better off you’ll be.
Gum disease is any disease that involves the tissues of the mouth. Periodontal disease damages your gum tissue which can lead to further complications, including heart problems and stroke later in life. Teeth also can become loose or fall out and this disease can also decrease your sense of taste. Your gums can even begin to feel like sandpaper because they may bleed, hurt, or itch. Periodontal disease not only involves smokers but also those who don’t smoke as well.