One of the most sought-after ways to immigrate to the United States can be employed by an American employer. It remains to invest in education and professional connections.
Requirements for the employer acting as the inviting party
Please do not assume that to obtain a work visa, it is enough to find any American company that agrees to make you an invitation. As can be seen, the company must be profitable and must have an urgent need for certain scarce specialists from abroad or the best immigration agency in Dubai.
Many work visas, each of which has its characteristics, can confuse an unsophisticated person looking for an opportunity to move to the United States through employment. In addition, the process contains many stages, the peculiarity of the passage of which depends on each specific case. You can choose away, to get information and support about the opportunities available from the immigration consultants in Dubai, in the case of a particular person with his level of knowledge of the language, education, field of work, and work experience, by contacting professionals with many years of experience.
In addition, for an employee to obtain a long-term work visa, the company must be ready to go through several bureaucratic procedures. This is an interaction with the Department of Labor and Employment, the Migration Service. The employer must be ready to act as a guarantor for you, and this is possible only if there is a close employment relationship. In addition to immigration consultants in Dubai, you will also need the help of a lawyer in preparing documents and obtaining a visa.
Long-term work visa
If you have chosen the path of resettlement to America through employment, and do not want to wait for an immigrant work visa, then the best way out is to obtain a long-term work visa at is best immigration agency in Dubai.
These are types of visas that immediately give the right to temporary residence in the United States and a work permit, and subsequently, the opportunity to apply for immigration status . But not everyone can get such a visa right away, and it is not so easy. The most sought-after long-term visa is the so-called H-1B specialist visa.
F-1 Student Visa and Employment Opportunity
A good way to immigrate for young people who do not have professional experience or whose experience and education are insufficient is to study at one of the recognized American educational institutions. It could be a college, an institute of technology, or a university. At the invitation of the educational institution, you can request a student visa to enter the United States. This is a long-term visa, it does not give the right to permanent residence, but it allows settling in America and, having interned in a social environment, creating opportunities for subsequent immigration. In other words, during your studies, you can find an employer who will allow you to get a permanent work visa or meet a spouse with an American passport.
In addition, a student visa gives the right to work, albeit for a limited amount of time, and this is an opportunity to at least partially pay off the cost of living and education. Not to mention the existence of foundations that organize competitions for educational grants.