Some are still putting away the Christmas decorations, some already have put them away and are left staring at the large areas that were glittered and looked stunning. What’s next?
Are you looking around for something you can do with that wall that is empty New metro city gujar khan? Perhaps you are thinking about the chair that isn’t working in the space or the collection of artwork from your children and are wondering what you can do?
Let’s look at what can be done to improve the fit of these pieces.
The vast, open space on the wall: Are there delicious meals that have been presented to you with unique designs? These dishes can be used to create designs for walls. Wall hangers can be found at big box stores or at hardware stores. Hang the hangers-on the wall in an unique arrangement to showcase these beautiful pieces, and create wonderful conversation pieces. How about some unique jewelry that you aren’t using anymore, but can’t forget the many compliments and “OH’s and AH’s” you got when you wore it. Consider putting it in a frame and use this as a display on your wall or as an e-table. You can preserve the stunning “OH’s & AH” appearance and showcase the amazing pieces rather than hiding them away.
Curtain tie backs to choose from: Instead of buying the similar curtain tie backs we buy at the local shop or at the corner store, go to your neighbors’ homes and see the same thing. And then, you’ll be thinking, “I WISH THAT I had something that no one else DID.” Use your jewelry from the past to create a unique & custom tie back that gives you a distinguished look you are seeking. Make use of long pearls that are wrapped or tied back. These necklaces are fantastic and can add sparkle to any room.
The chair that doesn’t work The room is painted and your beautiful chair won’t fit any more. What should you do? What is the best way to repolster it? in the case of wood paint it, and then put the cushion back on. These are cost saving ways to update chairs and make them work for the space. You can find simple instructions for these projects on the web go.
The children’s art is stunning! What amazing pieces your child has created and gifted to you. Know what? You own a singular original that no one; no matter how hard they try will be able to obtain an exact copy of (unless you pass it along or get a copy of it for them)? These pieces can be displayed on tables, walls or even in frames around the house in frames. Your guests will be delighted seeing their work and your kids will enjoy telling everybody what they thought when they created it and also you could rotate them to ensure that your photos and décor will change as they go.