The phone has always been one of the most effective tools for customer service and sales. However, the recent digital revolution in customer service and sales has made voice calls more critical than ever before. But despite the growing importance of voice communication, privacy concerns are also growing. The combination of these two factors means that call masking has become a hot topic for businesses to discuss and consider as they look to keep their clients’ data as safe and secure as possible while still delivering top-notch customer service.
What is call masking?
Call masking is a process by which you can take a phone number and replace it with another. This can be used as a way to protect your customers’ data when their information is shared. It is commonly used in industries like healthcare, insurance, and finance because these businesses often need to share sensitive customer data with other businesses. The goal of number masking is to keep the customer’s personal information private while making it easier for organizations to share this information among themselves.
Call masking provides benefits for both consumers and businesses:
- Consumers benefit from call masking because they don’t have to worry about their personal details being exposed during business calls or texts.
- Businesses benefit from call masking because it makes sharing information easier without exposing sensitive details about clients or customers’ identities or addresses that might otherwise be visible on company records if those documents were sent via regular mail instead of encrypted email attachments (which would also make them vulnerable).
How does a call masking solution protect the customer data?
The masked number is not a real phone number. It is generated from a pool of numbers and called by the system, which can be shared with the customer. The caller id of such a call is also not visible to you or your customer. This means that you will never see any caller ID while receiving these calls while your customers will see “Private Number” as incoming calls on their phones.
In addition to this, masked numbers are usually temporary and are not saved in the database after the completion of communication between two parties. So, even if someone tries to call back that particular number, it will go directly into voicemail since no one owns it. However, at SparkTG, leading provider of number masking in India, you can get a permanent masked number as well (Call us on 1800-123-454647 for more information).
Why does your business need a call masking solution?
Data protection and fraud prevention are two key reasons why your business needs a call masking solution. It can help you protect the personal information of customers, partners, and employees by preventing unauthorized access to it.
This is especially important when considering how many cyber attacks that have been launched in recent years have been aimed at stealing private data. Large corporations have lost millions of dollars due to these attacks, so they must take steps to protect themselves from cyber criminals who are trying their best to breach their security systems at all costs.
Number masking is also beneficial because it helps prevent credit card fraud by making sure that no one can see any sensitive information during a payment process on your website or mobile app (such as a credit card number). This is another area where hackers have tried very hard over time in many countries including India. They want people’s personal details so they can use them for fraudulent purposes such as identity theft. The less information about yourself out there means better peace of mind for everyone involved in transactions with you through those channels. Therefore, using number masking in India is very crucial for your business to protect the privacy of your customers. The more you will take care of your customers, the more they will generate business for you.
Bottom line
Call masking is an important tool for protecting customer data. It allows businesses to protect sensitive personal information by replacing it with a unique representative number that is not associated with any individual or identity. An external party cannot use this number to identify or contact the person who made the call, which means that you can make calls without risking your privacy and security.
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