Today i’ll be discussing you the best weapon loadout now if you need to unlock any of these weapons or mods i have all the kill challenges on my this site.
If you need the workbenches i have all the workbench locations all my guides are very short no-nonsense guides and direct to the point been using this loadout to be authentic Gonna finish it tonight or tomorrow.
It really has been holding up really well have tested out these Sniper elite 4 best rifle now this is for more hard gameplay for a little bit casual doesn’t matter as well.
But this is the best loadout for skilled players and even for like casuals and moderates this will help you out a lot for our rifle we’re going to be taking the sre m1 customized the pro is all Rounder no cons.
All the other rifles
All the other rifles do have cons this rifle has very good overall stats good enough zoom and we’re going to get to that in a moment and very low audible range for alerts Minerva fallout 76.
So let me show you the mods we’ll be taking armor piercing and soft point for our site we’ll take the 5x a5 win and code site only because the only higher site gives us poor visibility and worse slower aim time.
We don’t want slower aim Time next up we’re gonna be taking the light and blue barrel faster fiery quicker aim time very huge with this rifle.
So this rifle doesn’t have insanely high damage you’ll need to get that one kill shot or you’ll need to follow it up with one to two bullets depending.
If they’re a standard or an elite enemy that quicker aim time and faster rate of fire is huge Increasing vertical recoil is not that bad.
We already have pretty good control the con really doesn’t hurt us for having that faster fire rate and aim time definitely taking the mk2 as suppressor this is an all-rounder rifle.
We definitely want it closer greatly increases bullet drop now that does hurt us on the 300 meter shots but we’re not taking them.
Reduces aims to stability
So It really doesn’t hurt us that much reduces aims to stability it it’s the significantly quieter far outweighs that aims the ability i don’t struggle at all landing these shots with these mods.
Now for our magazine i’m just going to leave the standard issue on you can get a little bit more damage for increased recoil and smaller magazine.
I don’t want the smaller magazine and i Don’t want the increased recoil because even with this increased damage it’s not powerful enough to get all one shot kills.
For that reason we don’t want any more negatives on the rifle where we’re not out getting like crazy positives and negatives really aren’t hurting our game play.
So we’re just going to leave this standard next up we’re taking the leather pad for improves aim stability but slower Reloads don’t really struggle much with the reloads on this gun.
Alternatively you could take the wooden pad i took the little bit higher accuracy you will get a little bit higher rate of fire with this as well.
Um both are really good i would recommend either one of these two for your stock next up we’re taking the thick grip tape For greatly improves spread accuracy.
This reduces our aim stability but it’s high enough for it doesn’t really matter so went for the accuracy next up going to be taking that faster rate of fire to even the gun out a little bit.
Reducing the spread accuracy
We’re reducing the spread accuracy a little bit but not enough since we already have the greatly added and that faster rate of fire is just fast enough Where when we do miss the one kill shot we can easily line up and fire again.
Next up we have the smg the top smg is definitely the machine piss 44 for hard difficulties.
But i really quickly want to talk about the m1a1 govern which is a really good all-around rifle and it does have a silencer these are the mods i would recommend for the m1a1 govern it.
Uh is pretty good with most of them stock Most of them if you change them actually hurts the gun more than leaving its stock lastly we have the type 100.
Which is really beast but it doesn’t have a silencer so it’s not really for hard gameplay these are the mods i’d recommend you could run the light and bolt in place of the precision machined.
I love this because the accuracy on this gun with the recoil is just so beast That i don’t need that little bit extra power or rate of fire moving on to my weapon of choice the machine pissed 44.
Now i’m just gonna be listing the mods real quickly just showing you them right here versus going over every one of them because i don’t want somebody to undercut my content.
The three best weapons
Because i really do feel that these are the three best weapons for hard and authentic gameplay so right here we have the sights iron Sights barrel overpressure power modded m27.
Suppressor magazine garrett over pressure magazine stock magazine pouch rear grip quick drawer grip receiver reinforced over pressure now you can change these a little bit.
I don’t recommend it you could try it out for yourself but i highly recommend trying out these mods first the gun is Very hard to control this is for skilled players.
But with this gun what you want to do is fire burst shots you only need a couple bullets to kill an enemy lastly we have the type 14 nambu customized pistol this is insanely quiet you move faster it says.
It has weak damage but for hard gameplay you can still pop half a clip into a dude and kill him or pop him once in the head and he’s done.
So this is a very nice gun now if you’re Playing on casual um where is it the mk 6 revolver i don’t know if i have that modded completely correct.
Because i got some of the mods after i switched to the type 14 nambu but if you just want outright power this gun is a beast otherwise you want the type 14 nambu customized.
It has enough power to one shot on headshots cut maybe hand four shots on body shots if you dump the full Clip in somebody’s chest.
They’re going to die and that’s what matters it has decent reload speed great movability good rate of fire enough where you get the jump on enemies and you keep shooting them as long as you’re landing your shots.
You’re stunning them enough to kill them before they hit you we’re gonna be taking over pressure power the ss suppressor to just make it Insanely quiet.
So we can use this to take out a lot of enemies without alerting anybody else quick draw grip reinforced overpressure and that is the best loadout.
Now for your items for authentic or hard game play i recommend the medic pouch the three bandages the teller mine and Depending on your mission my last mission.
I didn’t need satchel charges you can take the grenade or you can take a satchel charge you could also drop one bandage and just start with two um you’re gonna find one anyway in the beginning.
Take an extra teller mine as well teller minds are definitely harder to find than the grenades i think and that is the best loadout once again.
The mpist 44
If you’re struggling with the mpist 44 This really is for control fire try out the m1a1 it definitely is a very good all-around smg this smg is for close engagements.
The mpis44 close engagements and burst fire you shouldn’t really be unloading a clip unless an enemy turns a corner and you just need to down them.
So you just fire until they’re dead you really do want to burst fire with this gun.
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