Many people face problems during the night or while sleeping due to the presence of bed bugs in their mattresses or beds. These small creatures could be present in the fabric of your bed or mattress and make it their home. They come out at night and suck your blood as well as irritate you while sleeping. If you do not perform any preventive methods for their removal then they could cause you sleepless nights and may even leave many bite marks on your body. Their population usually increases very rapidly and once they are a huge number they are hard to control. In that situation, the only option you have is professional pest control services.
In this article, we are going to discuss 7 facts you should know about bed bugs before hiring a commercial pest control because most people are not well aware of full information as well as knowledge about bed bugs. They usually hide and come out in the dark of night. They usually hide in a small area so that they are not visible to the naked eye. To be sure about their presence you need to perform a regular pest inspection.
Facts You Should Know About Bed Bugs
- Bed bugs are usually very small in size, and their eggs are usually much smaller than them. They are easily missed or unseen by humans. They are expert hiders and can easily hide in dark areas as well as small holes. You need to pay extra attention to see their physical presence.
- Bed bugs invade your house due to the presence of dark as well as human blood. They don’t need to be only present on beds or mattresses. They could even be present in small holes which are present in your house.
- Another fact you should know about bed bugs is that not every human skin shows signs or marks of bug bites. Only 30% of humans show bites and marks of bug bites. So you should not be sure about their absence in Your home if marks are not visible on your skin.
- Yes, bed bugs cannot transfer you any diseases yet they can cause you irritation as well as difficulty in sleeping at night. To get good sleep you need to prevent their presence in your house.
- Bed bugs attract the carbon dioxide that humans exhale. This is because they come out during night time because at that time humans are at their highest exhaling point.
- If you think about sleeping in the daytime to avoid problems with bed bugs. Then in that case bed bugs may reschedule their invasion time. They could also come out during the daytime.
- Another fact you should know about bed bugs is that they can even survive a year without eating. This is the reason why pest control services claim bed bugs pest control Perth are hardest to be removed and due to their rapid reproduction as well as an increase in population.